Casting cycle times improve 20%
Core room productivity increases 25%

Strategic Intent

Continue the quest for operating margin optimization and low-cost-producer status by generating cost and productivity improvements through the implementation of Lean Manufacturing techniques


  • Leading manufacturer of water transmission products primarily for municipal water systems
  • Produces ductile iron pipe with multiple diameters in three large U.S. facilities
  • Demand shifting to lighter-weight pressure pipe
  • Sales tons down and production costs rising
  • EBITA shortfall vs. goal recently reduced through implementation of new maintenance system
  • CEO focus on improving production departments once again using Brooks’ methodology

Issues and Barriers

  • Poor planning and scheduling processes result in lack of control and excess daily fire-fighting
  • Inconsistent machine cycle times throughout
  • Supervision not proactively managing crews to a plan, nor addressing barriers to better performance
  • Operators lack disciplined approach and urgency relative to equipment downtime
  • Core room weak at leak repairs and waste control
  • Casting production’s lack of clear core processes result in excessive machine changeover times
  • Poor shift-to-shift supervisory hand-offs

Key Implementations

  • Apply methodology for development of barrier-free standards and redesign of all core processes
  • Supervisory effectiveness training on Lean Manufacturing concepts and techniques
  • Design and implement production system for managing with heavy emphasis on planning, scheduling and supervisory control
  • Align all systemic and organizational changes, supporting client’s continuous improvement initiative


Key Project Results

Lean Manufacturing

As a direct result of this 23-week initiative, machine downtime, scrap and waste are dramatically reduced. Client takes a significant step toward closing the EBITA shortfall and in realizing low-cost-producer goal. Second Brooks International assignment for this client against same strategic plan.

  • Casting cycle times improve 20%
  • Core room productivity increases 25%

Client Perspective

The results of this effort provide us the foundation to maintain our cost competitiveness in the marketplace. We own the changes that Brooks has helped us implement. Perhaps this accomplishment is the best testimony to their professionalism and the effectiveness of their methodology.
— President & CEO

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