Brooks International defines a system as an orderly process or a set of related things or organized facts. Applied to a work area or department, a system connects information necessary to manage work effectively. One of a manager’s responsibilities is to provide the support necessary for work to be completed. To accomplish this, managers have to control numerous variables including safety, quality, cost, customer service, productivity, production and scheduling.
Since 1960, Brooks International has been designing and implementing management systems for organizations worldwide. Proper implementation is the key to ensuring long-term sustainable results. Our clients require the type of organizational transformation that depends upon the pairing of behavioral changes with systems that engineer sustainable performance improvements. For an implementation to be successful, an organization needs to develop a performance-driven culture with clearly defined roles, responsibilities and accountability. Every participant must understand the role they play in achieving the company’s objectives.
An effective management system provides consistent, accurate information about safety, quality, cost and performance linked to the company’s financial goals. A complete system has the following elements: forecasting, planning, plan assignment, execution validation, reporting and an evaluation phase – to analyze data gathered within the system. All components must work together to produce an effective, sustainable system of improvement.
Brooks International partners with clients to design the processes, tools and procedures during the Assessment phase of an engagement, in preparation for the complete implementation of the design. During Implementation, our experts work alongside the client management team, ensuring that designed processes and tools are adhered to and understood. This is key to long-term sustainability. Brooks International acts as the coach, keeping the management team focused on the game plan. Over time, we slowly back away, allowing the management team to continue confidently on their journey, developing a stronger, high-performance organization.