EBITDA increases 70%
12% reduction in total headcount

Strategic Intent

Restructure the company’s recently acquired U.S. subsidiary to substantially improve disappointing overall performance and increase bottom-line profit contributions


  • European-based global producer of lime and lime products
  • Worldwide revenues up six-fold through acquisitions
  • Recent U.S. acquisition with 15 separate facilities is by far the largest and most critical
  • Demand flat with little forecasted market growth
  • Revenue growth must come from increased market share
  • U.S. EBITDA had deteriorated over past two years

Issues and Barriers

  • Individual facilities have a “silo” mentality and are not assimilated into corporate culture.
  • Electronic management system fails to deliver results.
  • Structure varies widely from region to region.
  • No uniformity of processes from plant to plant
  • Reactive maintenance practices lead to poor quality and reduced “up-time.”
  • Planning and scheduling processes do not focus on full resource utilization.
  • Goals and priorities not consistently understood

Key Implementations

  • Create expert models and identify best practices
  • Define and translate management goals and priorities to all facilities
  • Create capacity models for each facility
  • Redesign and implement all core processes
  • Install new maintenance scheduling system
  • Link goals and performance expectations to rewards
  • Develop new organizational structure in support of the business model


As a result of engagement, new systems and culture drive control and lead to sustainability of improvements demonstrated by continual increase in EBITDA, up 159% after the end of the project.

The implementation stage yields the following major improvements:

  • EBITDA increases 70%
  • 12% reduction in total headcount
  • Variable costs reduction of 6.4%

Client Perspective

I have found Brooks’ help invaluable in accelerating the attainment of our objectives. I am pleased to recommend their services to any organization that is seeking to fully implement strategic and/or tactical change.
— Chief Executive Officer

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